Puppies for sale = 5

Our current litter were born 15th February 2023 and will be ready for their new home (8 weeks of age) 12th April 2023.

Details about the current litter - February 2023

Our beautiful Molly has just had 10 Labrador puppies and is doing a magnificent job in rearing them all.  She had – 4 girls, 6 boys, 2 Golden and 8 Chocolate. 

You might be interested to know that there was a 25% chance of Molly and Coco (the dad) having Golden puppies – how do we know?  From the DNA tests! Both parents carry the “bb” genes so all puppies would be Brown (not black), however they both also carry the genes “Ee” (another pair of genes) where “E” is dominant and does not interfere with the “bb” genes. When you get two “ee” the Golden colour over rides (or masks) the Chocolate colour genes “bb”. Got to love genetics!

These pure bred Labrador puppies have parents with excellent hip and elbow scores.

  • Hip scores = Molly is 2:0 and Coco is 2:1 (the breed average is 8).

  • Elbow scores = Molly and Coco both scored 0:0

Puppies - 3 weeks of age (7/03/2023) - eyes are open and they are starting to explore and play.

The puppies have found the verandah! 6 weeks of age, lots of fun.

Puppies - 10 weeks of age - exploring the tree lot after the rain.

Team work!